Patrik Borecký, Tomáš Brabec
25. 1. — 5. 3. 2017

Buzkashi is a traditional sport popular around the countries of Middle Asia. For many competitors it’s more sort of a lifestyle rather than just a game.
Buzkashi is a traditional sport popular around the countries of Middle Asia. For many competitors it’s more sort of a lifestyle rather than just a game. A successful chapandaz, how these competitors are called, can win a small present but also a huge amount of money. A perfect interplay between the rider and his horse is the most important factor. Kokpar, kok-boru, kup-kari or buzkashi, how this game is called in the different countries of Middle Asia, means literally “goat grabbing”. The goal is to seize a torso of a dead goat and despite the efforts of all the opponents to stop you, carry it in your saddle, ride around a flag and drop it in a designated area. The game can be played by few riders only, but also several hundreds of them.
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Works on display (a selection)
Patrik Borecký
*1982Tomáš Brabec
*1984AtelierJosef Sudek
Ateliér Josefa Sudka
Admission 10 CZK
Újezd 30, 118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Open daily except Monday 12 AM – 6 PM
Tel.: +420 251 510 760
Admission 10 CZK
/ free for students of art schools