
Ladislav Babuščák

Late Autumn - Early winter

6. 9. — 14. 10. 2012
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Late Autumn - Early winter

Paradise is the origin, the model, and the purpose of art.

Paradise is the origin, the model, and the purpose of art. The model of this paradise is kept in the heart of every man; people are born with it; it belongs to the treasure of natural grace; it is hereditary; besides, paradise did not cease to be; it was not obliterated completely; it persists, although its form has changed substantially, although it has lost many privileges; it is still visible in nature, in creation, and in human life. Revelation teaches us about its original order. Aside from that, we are led towards it by manners taught by dogmatics.

Paradise is the origin of art because it was a special creation of God made with the intention to teach man knowledge of beauty; it was in Paradise that man was made to speak, woman was made, people communicated with God, and they were not subject to death. They learned all about nature and gave names to the creation. The names were sacred and had the power of control in them. Everything that people said in paradise was sacred; their views, movements, and desires were still the human manifestations of God’s will. They were in God’s image and likeness. Their human glory was immeasurable, their souls governed many secrets that are lost nowadays; their bodies had no match amongst the creation; their beauty was perfect.

Paradise is the purpose of art because all of human desire and imagination returns to paradise. Art seeks and marks the traces of paradise as road signs. Since they are mostly hidden and covert, an artist must seek them very laboriously; three things help him to seek and learn: the hereditary desire for paradise, enlightenment, and inspiration.
Hence, the task of art is to preserve paradise, reconstruct paradise, and bring testimony about paradise, if possible, in temporary life.

Paradise did not cease to be; it was not obliterated completely; it maintains itself; the amount of its remnants is huge and there is a vibrant unity in the multitude, even if it is not generally apparent to see. Hence, the task of art is also to bear witness to the history of paradise after its discontinuation and scattering.

If each single memory of paradise, albeit the smallest, is gorgeous, then the sum thereof that we bear in us and that we may never view in its entirety in a single moment in our life is true wealth; and then we have to remember that paradise is scattered all over the world and that everyone hides just minuscule remnants of it inside, and often unconsciously.

Everything that is beautiful is a reminder of  paradise and is an image of paradise; the content and the purpose of the beauty is not always important, for it is often disrupted in temporary life; the disruption was not there in paradise; beauty was not associated with sin, distress and death there. For an artist, the hereditary desire for paradise discovers the celestial origins of all apparent beauty, that is to say beauty that influences human perception in general, be it the beauty of body, nature, life, vivaciousness, destiny, or idea. The hereditary desire dwells in us and emanates from us.

Enlightenment comes from outside. We seek its origins with the Holy Spirit, who is the supreme giver and creator of art, just as the Creator is the supreme giver and creator of beauty.

Jaroslav Durych
(Excerpted from the “Poetics” essay – Essays, 1929)

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Works on display (a selection)

Exhibition opening

Ladislav Babuščák

*1985 , Prešov, Slovensko
Vystudoval fotografii na pražské FAMU. Ve své tvorbě se dlouhodobě zabývá konceptuální fotografií, estetikou a náboženskými symboly. Jeho tvorbu silně ovlivňuje film, křesťanství a jakákoliv forma heroismu. Pracuje s literárními i hudebními odkazy a zkoumá nové způsoby apropriace. Jeho cílem není originalita, ale postupnost. Věří v tradici, krásu a sílu fascinace a nemá strach z estetizmu. Absolvoval stáž na Ecole Nationale Superieure d´art v Nice ve Francii a stáž v Peggy Guggenheim Collection v Benátkach v Itálii. V roce 2006 ziskal cenu Epson Art Award - Best selected artist - na Art Cologne v Německu a v roce 2007 byl finalistou ceny NG333 v Praze. Žije a tvoří v Praze.

selected individual exhibitions

2012I Was Born in Love With You – Galérie A.M.180, Praha   2010American Trilogy – Nová scéna Národního divadla v Praze  2009Picture vs. Reflection (společně s  Radqem Brousilem) – Galérie 35m2, Praha 200849 % Ouch!  51 % Yeah! (společně s Janem Šimánkem) – Galerie Školská 28, Praha  2007Sanctus – Galerie Velryba, Praha

selected collective exhibitions

2012Kolaboratorio No.2 – site specific projekt, Galerie Laboratorio, Praha  2011One day you will loose it all – 4 dny v pohybu, Praha  2011Glühend, gnadenlos, schön und blassrosa – České centrum Berlín, Německo  2011Unbearable Lightness of Being – Galérie A.M.180 , Praha 2010Selected Artists – Epson Kunstbetrieb, Dusseldorf, Německo 2010Bienále mladého umění – Dům U Kamenného zvonu, GHMP, Praha  2010Tina b. – Vernon Gallery, Praha 2009Cesta s B.P. (také spolukurátor) – GAMU, Praha  2009Historická práce – Galerie Václava Špály, Praha 2008  2009Young photograhers – Epson kunstbetrieb, Dusseldorf, Německo Game – GAMU, Praha 2007Šestka – Pražský dům fotografie, Praha  2007Epson winners – Miláno, Itálie  2007Finalisté (Cena Národní Galerie NG333 pro současné umění) – Národní Galerie, Praha 2006Art Cologne international art fair – Kolín nad Rýnem, Německo 2005 200666 – Galérie Velryba, Praha

AtelierJosef Sudek

Ateliér Josefa Sudka

Újezd 30, 118 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Open daily except Monday 12 AM – 6 PM

Tel.: +420 251 510 760

Admission 10 CZK

/ free for students of art schools


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